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probe measurement中文是什么意思

用"probe measurement"造句"probe measurement"怎么读"probe measurement" in a sentence


  • 探测管测量
  • 探针测量


  • What is the probe measurement range
  • This is the first time in this field . 2 . putting forward rymaszewski method to square four point probe measurement
  • Standard test method for determining relative humidity on the surface of concrete floor slabs using relative humidity probe measurement and insulated hood
  • This paper comparatively analyzes three more practical measurement methods of surface charge distribution on dielectric in vacuum environment : surface potential measurement method , electrostatic capacitive probe measurement method , pockels effect reflecting measurement method , expounds some newly researched productions , and at last puts forward some new problems to be solved in this field
  • Many important properties of semiconductor devices are relevant with their resistivity , which brings forward strict demands to the uniformity of the resistivity . especially micro - area ' s characteristics attract extensive attention . under this background , four - point probe measurement technique requires a new development
  • Four - point probe measurement technique is one of the most extensive means for examining the resistivity in the semiconductor industry . with continuous progress , semiconductor industry develops at a very fast speed , the integration level of ic becomes higher and higher . presently , the ic production is entering into the age of ulsi , then testings are more and more important
    四探针测试技术是半导体工业检测电阻率时采用最为广泛的测试手段之一。随着时代的不断进步,半导体产业飞速发展,以单晶硅片为衬底的集成电路集成度越来越高,目前正进入甚大规模集成电路( ulsi )时代,测试在整个集成电路生产过程中的地位越来越重要。
用"probe measurement"造句  
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